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Taos Nest

Family Emergency Shelter and Wrap-Around Support via Taos NEST

HEART of Taos’ goal is to raise at least $100,000 this winter, to provide families with critical shelter during harsh weather months. HEART is providing funding to DreamTree Project / Taos NEST (Navigating Emergency Support Together) for short term emergency shelter for families facing homelessness in Taos County. In addition, HEART will continue funding wrap-around support services for individuals and families in Taos NEST. This support will include identification paperwork (birth certificates, social security, driver’s license), basic needs items, and other support to achieve housing stability.

From December 2022 to July 2023, DreamTree served approximately 89 individuals, an estimated 15 families per month. The average cost was $37,500 per month, totaling over $300,000 for eight (8) months, the majority of which were non-recurring federal funds. By raising funds this winter, we – HEART and DreamTree – can help more families. 

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Family in Focus Program


HEART will work with a family to focus on wrap around services to support their long-term stability. HEART will offer basic needs, supportive services and financial support to the household.

This wrap around approach allows HEART to provide a supportive and thoughtful way to support the families in Taos County. Investing in one family at a time until they are fully stable, allows us to make a real difference in the lives of the children, families, and community of Taos County.

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Taos Hearth Plans

taos hearth

HEART has committed to developing one, two-bedroom family housing unit that is transitional, affordable, supportive and sustainable in Taos County, known as Taos Hearth. HEART is collaborating with Mark Goldman Architect and In Our Hands.  Taos Hearth recently made headlines in the Taos News article Nonprofit offers new approach to sustainable, affordable housing. Please support the capital campaign.

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we are here to support families and individuals

Please help support HEART so that we can continue to support the community in a safe and effective way.